You Know The Place podcast co-hosts and co-producers Joel Wayne and Lacey “LD” Daley.


On our daily commutes, we pass by hundreds of shops, stores, and other locations we've never once visited. Who are the clientele? How long have they been in business? How do they compete with online retailers, big box stores, or other local shops? What do they even sell there? 

"That sounds like an idea for a podcast," we said. "I mean, if someone knew what they were doing."

So we set out to make it. But we're not journalists. We're Lacey Daley and Joel Wayne, two writer friends who met in Boise State's MFA program a number of years ago. We're the co-host/co-producers of You Know The Place. We're exploring Idaho shops, stores, clubs, and pubs one week at a time. And we hope you’ll join us.